Food For Thought

February 1, 2024

The Importance of Transparency and Labeling in Fresh Food: Evigence's Freshness Management Platform Leading the Way

Evigence revolutionizes freshness monitoring throughout the entire journey, from source to plate.
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January 23, 2024

Real Food Waste Reduction Solutions

Food waste is a huge problem worldwide but there are solutions available to help significantly reduce this problem.
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January 4, 2024

Benefits Of Time & Temperature Indicators

Discover how using time and temperature indicators in cold chain management can assist with fresh food
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December 12, 2023

What is Cold Chain Monitoring?

Cold chain monitoring uses technology to continually monitor the temperature of items in a cold chain.
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November 30, 2023

Breaking Free from Date Codes: The Freshness Sensor Revolution

Discover how freshness sensors are replacing traditional date codes in retail.
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